API Data Types



Name Type Required? Description
_id String Yes -
userId String No -
hashId String No -
metadata JSON No -
settings JSON No -
parameters JSON No -
applicationTypes ApplicationTypes No -
languageSpecifications LanguageSpecifications No -
sourceMaps JSON No -
useRecommendedOrder Boolean No -
debugMode Boolean No -
tolerateMinification Boolean No -
name String No -
createdAt String No -
isLocked Boolean No -
isPlayground Boolean No -
version String No -
completedDemo Boolean No -
protections [ApplicationProtection] No -
numberOfProtections Int No -
sources [ApplicationSource] No -
displayGrowthWarning Boolean No -
selectedTemplate JSON No -
useProfilingData Boolean No -
profilingDataMode String No -
useAppClassification Boolean No -
sourcesCount Int No -
classificationStatus String No -
classificationReport JSON No -
shouldDisplayQuestionnaire Boolean No -
browsers JSON No -



Name Type Required? Description
webBrowserApp Boolean No -
desktopApp Boolean No -
serverApp Boolean No -
hybridMobileApp Boolean No -
javascriptNativeApp Boolean No -
html5GameApp Boolean No -



Name Type Required? Description
es5 Boolean No -
es6 Boolean No -
es7 Boolean No -
es8 Boolean No -



Name Type Required? Description
_id String Yes -
isPurged Boolean No -
applicationId String No -
userId String No -
version String No -
state String No -
startedAt DateTime No -
finishedAt DateTime No -
hasForcedDateLock Boolean No Protection has forced expiration date
parameters JSON No -
sources [ApplicationSource] No -
bundle String No -
errorMessage String No Protection error message
errorCode String No Protection error code, mapped to code-errors
result String No -
sourceMapResult String No -
outputSymbolTable String No -
sourceMaps JSON No Application source maps option.
randomizationSeed String No -
useRecommendedOrder Boolean No -
bail Boolean No -
cancel Boolean No -
deprecations [Deprecation] No -
size Int No -
transformedSize Int No -
growthWarning Boolean No Indicates if the protection surpassed a reasonable growth
rtNotificationServiceSenderToken String No -
rtNotificationServiceSenderTokenId String No -
profilingRunId String No -
classificationReport String No -
browsers JSON No -
profilingDataMode String No -
inputSymbolTable String No -
ensureCodeAnnotation Boolean No -
forceAppEnvironment ForceAppEnvironmentType No -
debugMode Boolean No -
useAppClassification Boolean No -
tolerateMinification Boolean No -
areSubscribersOrdered Boolean No -



Name Type Required? Description
_id String Yes -
extension String No -
filename String No -
size Int No -
transformedSize Int No -
content String No -
transformedContent String No -
isSource Boolean No -
errorMessages [ErrorMessages] No -
metrics [FileMetrics] No -
metadataStatus String No -
metadata JSON No -
updatedAt String No -



Name Type Required? Description
message String No -
code Int No -
fatal Boolean No -
column Int No -
line Int No -



Name Type Required? Description
transformation String No -
size Int No -
growth Float No -
nodes Int No -



Name Type Required? Description
type String No -
entity String No -




Name Type Required? Description
count Int No -



Name Type Required? Description
_id String Yes -
name String No -
description String No -
createdAt String No -
parameters JSON No -
isDefault Boolean No -
isPerformance Boolean No -
userId ID No -
annotation String No -



Name Type Required? Description
name String No -
value String No -



Name Type Required? Description
extension String No Source file extension.
filename String Yes Source file name.
content String No Source file content.



Name Type Required? Description
applicationTypes ApplicationTypesInput No Application types.
languageSpecifications LanguageSpecificationsInput No Application language specifications.
parameters [TransformationInput] No Application parameters.
areSubscribersOrdered Boolean No Flag to indicate if application parameters are ordered.
sourceMaps JSON No Application source maps option.
useRecommendedOrder Boolean No Flag to indicate if application uses recommended order or not
debugMode Boolean No Flag to indicate if application is in debug mode or not
displayGrowthWarning Boolean No Flag to indicate if protection file size growth warnings should be shown
tolerateMinification Boolean No Flag to indicate whether or not output code should ignore modifications caused by minification
codeHardeningThreshold NumberString No Code hardening threshold field in bytes, which prevents files with lower file size to be targeted by Code Hardening
profilingDataMode String No Indicates the profiling data mode of the application (off/automatic/annotation)
useAppClassification Boolean No Flag to indicate whether or not Application Classification metadata should be used when creating a new protection.
browsers JSON No Browser minimum compatibility parameters.
name String Yes Application name.



Name Type Required? Description
webBrowserApp Boolean No Web Browser Application type.
desktopApp Boolean No Desktop Application type.
serverApp Boolean No Server Application type.
hybridMobileApp Boolean No Hybrid Mobile Application type.
javascriptNativeApp Boolean No JavaScript Native Application type.
html5GameApp Boolean No HTML5 Game Application type.



Name Type Required? Description
es5 Boolean No EcmaScript5 language specification.
es6 Boolean No EcmaScript6 language specification.
es7 Boolean No EcmaScript7 language specification.
es8 Boolean No EcmaScript8 language specification.



Name Type Required? Description
name TransformationName Yes -
options JSON No -
status Int No -




Name Type Required? Description
templateId String No Template unique identifier. If provided, the application transformations will be replaced.
randomizationSeed String No Randomization seed to be used (explicitly) for this transformation.
bail Boolean No Whether or not to cancel protection if a parsing error occurs
source ApplicationSourceCreate No Application source raw data.
inputSymbolTable String No The input symbol table to use
entryPoint String No Entry point file path
excludeList [String] No List of symbols to exclude globally when applying transformations via annotations.
forceAppEnvironment String No Override automatically detected environment (automatic
ensureCodeAnnotation Boolean No Fail protection if no annotations are found on the source code
applicationTypes ApplicationTypesInput No Application types.
languageSpecifications LanguageSpecificationsInput No Application language specifications.
parameters [TransformationInput] No Application parameters.
areSubscribersOrdered Boolean No Flag to indicate if application parameters are ordered.
sourceMaps JSON No Application source maps option.
useRecommendedOrder Boolean No Flag to indicate if application uses recommended order or not
debugMode Boolean No Flag to indicate if application is in debug mode or not
displayGrowthWarning Boolean No Flag to indicate if protection file size growth warnings should be shown
tolerateMinification Boolean No Flag to indicate whether or not output code should ignore modifications caused by minification
codeHardeningThreshold NumberString No Code hardening threshold field in bytes, which prevents files with lower file size to be targeted by Code Hardening
profilingDataMode String No Indicates the profiling data mode of the application (off/automatic/annotation)
useAppClassification Boolean No Flag to indicate whether or not Application Classification metadata should be used when creating a new protection.
browsers JSON No Browser minimum compatibility parameters.



Name Type Required? Description
protections [ApplicationProtection] No -



Name Type Required? Description
templateId String No Template unique identifier. If provided, the application transformations will be replaced.
randomizationSeed String No Randomization seed to be used (explicitly) for this transformation.
bail Boolean No Whether or not to cancel protection if a parsing error occurs
source ApplicationSourceCreate No Application source raw data.
inputSymbolTable String No The input symbol table to use
entryPoint String No Entry point file path
excludeList [String] No List of symbols to exclude globally when applying transformations via annotations.
forceAppEnvironment String No Override automatically detected environment (automatic
ensureCodeAnnotation Boolean No Fail protection if no annotations are found on the source code
applicationTypes ApplicationTypesInput No Application types.
languageSpecifications LanguageSpecificationsInput No Application language specifications.
parameters [TransformationInput] No Application parameters.
areSubscribersOrdered Boolean No Flag to indicate if application parameters are ordered.
sourceMaps JSON No Application source maps option.
useRecommendedOrder Boolean No Flag to indicate if application uses recommended order or not
debugMode Boolean No Flag to indicate if application is in debug mode or not
displayGrowthWarning Boolean No Flag to indicate if protection file size growth warnings should be shown
tolerateMinification Boolean No Flag to indicate whether or not output code should ignore modifications caused by minification
codeHardeningThreshold NumberString No Code hardening threshold field in bytes, which prevents files with lower file size to be targeted by Code Hardening
profilingDataMode String No Indicates the profiling data mode of the application (off/automatic/annotation)
useAppClassification Boolean No Flag to indicate whether or not Application Classification metadata should be used when creating a new protection.
browsers JSON No Browser minimum compatibility parameters.
numberOfProtections Int No Number of protection to be created



Name Type Required? Description
name String No Template name.
description String No Template description.
parameters JSON No Template specific parameters.



Name Type Required? Description
applicationTypes ApplicationTypesInput No Application types.
languageSpecifications LanguageSpecificationsInput No Application language specifications.
parameters [TransformationInput] No Application parameters.
areSubscribersOrdered Boolean No Flag to indicate if application parameters are ordered.
sourceMaps JSON No Application source maps option.
useRecommendedOrder Boolean No Flag to indicate if application uses recommended order or not
debugMode Boolean No Flag to indicate if application is in debug mode or not
displayGrowthWarning Boolean No Flag to indicate if protection file size growth warnings should be shown
tolerateMinification Boolean No Flag to indicate whether or not output code should ignore modifications caused by minification
codeHardeningThreshold NumberString No Code hardening threshold field in bytes, which prevents files with lower file size to be targeted by Code Hardening
profilingDataMode String No Indicates the profiling data mode of the application (off/automatic/annotation)
useAppClassification Boolean No Flag to indicate whether or not Application Classification metadata should be used when creating a new protection.
browsers JSON No Browser minimum compatibility parameters.
name String No Application name.
completedDemo Boolean No Demo status for this application
newQuestionnaireResponse applicationQuestionnaireType No Add Questionnaire Answer



Name Type Required? Description
answer questionnaireShortResponse No -
description String No More detailed description of the issue if it exists




Name Type Required? Description
content String No Source file content.
